
Work completion is achieved when plant facilities operate functionally

Construction work completion does not confine to following customers’ design requirements and finish construction work, there are still tasks need to be done.

Even during construction period and plant handover, plant facilities have been examined and test run, we still try to find any design (or engineering) flaws may cause inconvenience to the operation of plant. These can only be identified and examined through normal plant operations.

Only when no inconvenience identified in daily operation, work completion is finally achieved.

Our service includes support on maintenance and repair

Finish construction work does not mean the completion of project.

It is commonplace to have operational dysfunctions and equipment failures after certain operation time.
Therefore, it is important to ensure customers fully understand how to correct operate equipment, follow correct maintenance instruction and achieve intended equipment life time.
Throughout project design to construction, we still maintain Kaiser’s standard on quality in every steps. So the after sales service is also part of our work.

Demonstration is more practical than reading instruction manual

All producers provide equipment instruction manual on maintenance, but it is nor efficient to learn these instructions by reading instruction manual.
The most effective solution to help customers learn maintenance techniques is through hand by hand demonstration.

Learning by doing is more efficient than reading instruction manual. Customers will mater maintenance techniques through more practice provide by Kaiser.

Instruction demonstration is part of property handover process

What if staff turnover happens after instruction demonstration is provided, when the new incomer does not learn maintenance techniques.
Kaiser’s solution is to implement document handover system to ensure whoever takes the equipment maintenance post is able to perform correct maintenance techniques.

We try our best to keep the plant facility at optimal condition for 10 or 20 years.

6promises to protect the quality

After Sales Service

  • 01.6promises to protect the quality

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