
Our initial task is to correctly understand clients' targets and requirements.

We can provide you optimal solutions on issues such as special government application process, communication and coordination with domestic construction firms.

Building a factory facility, the people in charge of the project will face many uncertain and worrying issues.
Especially culture and policy difference will make construction project very complicated and become investors' difficulty in their business.
Kaiser has specialists providing helps for Japanese, European and US investors in dealing those issues. They have tight relationship with many Chinese major cities, and are familiar with government application process. So they understand investors' targets and requirements, and are capable of provide optimal solutions for uncertain investors.

For those who are in charge of projects but face with worrying issues, Kaiser can offer solutions.

  1. Uncertain with Chinese construction contractors, could them complete projects successfully
  2. Could the construction project be completed under tight budget and construction schedule
  3. Do not know how to make government application on construction project in China
  4. Want to build a factory in China, so want to know relevant preferential policy implemented by regional government
  5. Is the quality of construction projects good when compare with projects executed by Japanese, European or US construction contractors
  6. Want to give project to Chinese domestic construction company, but worry about communication difficulty due to language difference
  7. Do not know how to do maintenance work after the completion of construction project
  8. Do not understand the Chinese construction quotation system
  9. Will problems (dissension) during project execution be treated and solved carefully
  10. How to deal with unexpected design modification
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