
Kaiser safety measures

Kaiser safety management conceptions

Enforcement of site safety procedures protects Kaiser's construction staff, serves to prevent delays due to accidents, protects surrounding environments, and protects employer's rights and interest.
To acquire 100% satisfaction from employer, Kaiser sets HSE (Health?Safety?Environment) goals from which manuals are edited and delivered to site management staff to facilitate implementation.

Kaiser HSE management goals

*Realize zero accidents at site.
*Realize zero injuries at site.
*To establish safe and healthy construction sites, protocols shall be fully implemented.
*Provide safe environments with non-hazardous products and services.
*Eliminate harms to environment.
*Reduce consumption of resources and energy.
*To implement HSE, study on related technologies, products and services.
*Satisfy employer demands through implementation of HSE policies.

safety management measures

Site safety training

Safety management training for all construction staff shall be conducted before project commencement. Training aims to let all construction staff know HSE management goals and enforce safety guidelines.

Distribute safety manuals to all staff.

To elminate safety hazards, Kaiser disseminates to all staff safety manuals complete with photographs and orders for every stage of construction. Site staff must take their manuals with them and follow all regulations.

Dressing code for safety protection

When they visit the worksite, all business and design staff must wear safety helmets, safety jackets and safety shoes.
To avoid accidents, visiting customers shall also abide by safety dressing rules.

Make periodical site inspection and submit weekly report for inspection

Kaiser's top management periodically inspects site safety management and points out any non-adherence to be corrected. Additionally, these overviews will be recorded into the weekly report that is distributed to both Kaiser and the employer.

Kaiser utilizes bonuses for adherence to safety protocol to incentivize proper site management.

Kaiser strictly supervises its training and site inspection. The company implements bonus systems to award those who abide by safety regulations and researches solutions to safety problems.The bonus system encourages awareness of safety regulations, which results in better implementation of HSE management goals.

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