
The BLT project top beam and 360,000 safe hours commendation ceremony is completed today.


Kaiser will always uphold the basic principles of rigor and zero accidents, and deliver a satisfactory project to the owner with Building Integrity.

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临安市| 蒙山县| 疏附县| 桑日县| 湘潭市| 元阳县| 东莞市| 肃宁县| 静乐县| 静海县| 花莲县| 婺源县| 灯塔市| 襄汾县| 米林县| 平塘县| 舒城县| 泸水县| 准格尔旗| 林州市| 西平县| 舞阳县| 温州市| 东乡| 扶风县| 峨眉山市| 临潭县| 班玛县| 晋江市| 永德县| 古交市| 凤冈县| 柳林县| 剑阁县| 白银市| 吉木乃县| 麦盖提县| 东莞市| 和硕县| 惠安县| 怀化市|